Innovation Xtreme showcases the best startups in tech

Economic Reporter :
SD Asia, the country’s premier platform for Bangladeshi tech startups, held the 2nd Innovation Xtreme at the Radisson Blu Water Garden Hotel on 19 March.
The event brought over 25 local startups and 25 renowned industry experts under one roof.
Innovation Xtreme is SD Asia’s flagship event where a diverse group of participants, including students, developers, academics, corporate, international organizations, and local & international media take part.
The day started with a cheerful Mexican wave by the participants as CEO and co-founder of SD Asia- Mustafizur Rahman Khan opened the event.
“Through this one-day event, we showcase the potential of existing innovators and entrepreneurs in Bangladesh,” he said, “by bringing international and local investors, entrepreneurs, businesses under one roof the event works as a catalyst to deepen the interest about the Internet-based local economy.”
Zarif Munir, managing director at Boston Consulting Group, said in his keynote speech that Bangladesh is the right region for the tech sector at this moment.
He also said that Bangladeshi people are very humble in general and tend to play down their strength too much, but this is the era of self-promotion. When millennials are the target the goal becomes creating a strong network. This network leads to the brand.
With the theme of ‘Bangladesh: The Next Tech Frontier’, the event was aimed towards showcasing Bangladesh’s entrepreneurial ecosystem and giving a platform to local startups to meet the investors.