Hilsha selling gets momentum in wholesale market of Port City

Chattogram Bureau :
Everyone has weakness for tasty Hilsha and if it is the Hilsha of Padma, then no question arises about people’s eagerness to have it. Sellers at a wholesale market in port city asked Tk 24,000 for one hali(four pieces of big size) of Hilsha.
 Later, after bargaining a buyer managed to purchase two pairs of Hilsha, each weighing 1 kg at the rate of Tk 1000 per kg.
The correspondent visiting the wholesale market at Feringhee Bazar Fish Ghat found that it offers Hilsha of various size and weight orgin of Padma and Bay of Bengal. However, as the Hilsha fish is much-coveted, it’s price always remains high. Now, the price of 900-gram Hilsha is around Tk 800. Price of 1-kg Hilsha of Padma is Tk 1200-13 00 and of Bay of Bengal Tk 800 to 1000. On the other hand hilsa of weight below one kg and lower are being sold at Tk.500 to 600 in local retail market of the city.
Besides, he said, this year big-sized Hilsha is available due to creation of law-abiding culture among the fishermen, eliminating ‘Jatka’, barring fishing of egg-bearing Hilsha and also due to successful implementation of safe sanctuary program.”Many of us are eager to buy big-sized Hilsha but we don’t have ability to purchase those.
 So we the low-income people cannot afford to purchase the delicious fish and only stare at the fish in in the market,” a buyer lamented that huge quantities o f delicious Hilsha are being smuggled to neighboring country.