Hillary vows to prioritize abortion rights if elected


GMA News online, Washington :Preserving the right to seek and obtain an abortion will remain a key component of Hillary Clinton’s presidential bid, the presumptive Democratic nominee said Friday.Speaking to the political arm of the national reproductive health and advocacy organization Planned Parenthood, Clinton placed herself in stark contrast to her Republican rival Donald Trump, whom she portrayed as a sexist enemy of women’s rights.”When Donald Trump says ‘let’s make America great again,’ that is code for ‘let’s take America backward’ – back to a time when opportunity and dignity were reserved for some, not all,” Clinton said.”Back to the days when abortion was illegal, women had far fewer options and life for too many women and girls was limited.””Donald, those days are over,” she said, speaking in a direct style that she has recently adopted to challenge Trump’s often brusque manner.The brash billionaire real estate mogul meanwhile addressed religious conservatives just blocks away, seeking to re-assure them of his Christian values.”We want to uphold the sanctity and dignity of life,” Trump told a Faith and Freedom Coalition conference.He also knocked Clinton for seeking to “push for federal funding of abortion on demand up until the moment of birth.”Trump has been embroiled in a scandal over his criticism of a Hispanic federal judge who he said could not preside fairly over a case regarding a Trump business interest because of his Mexican heritage.Trump struck a different tone Friday.”Freedom of any kind means no one should be judged by their race or… the color of their skin,” he said. “Right now we have a very divided nation… If I win, we’re going to bring our nation together.”
