Hasina-Modi Summit likely in Mar 27


Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and her Indian counterpart Narendra Modi are likely to have a Summit meeting in Dhaka on March 27, taking forward the relations between the two countries keeping the celebratory year in focus.
Bangladesh is ready to welcome Prime Minister Modi on March 26 to celebrate 50 years of Bangladesh’s independence together.
Bangladesh and India will hold four Secretary-level meetings before the Summit meeting between the two Prime Ministers to give inputs for the March-27 talks.
The meeting between the Water Resources Secretaries of the two countries will be held in New Delhi while Commerce Secretary-level, Home Secretary-level and Shipping Secretary-level talks will be held in Dhaka.
The two countries are currently working on four to five MoUs to be signed during the Summit meeting and there is a possibility to increase the number of bilateral documents with inputs from four Secretary-level meetings.
Foreign Secretary Masud Bin Momen shared the plans during a briefing at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Sunday afternoon on his New Delhi visit.
He said Indian Foreign Minister Dr Jaishankar is likely to visit Bangladesh before the visit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
