Harmful toxic detected in 40pc food items

Staff Reporter :
Harmful toxic components have been found in 40 percent of food items, which is three to 20 times more than human body allows. The presence of toxic pesticides has also been found in 35 percent of fruits and 50 percent of vegetable items.
The findings have been carried out to assess use of pesticide and chemical in food and fruit items, said Poribesh Bachao Andolan (POBA) in a press conference in the city on Monday.
The green organization has urged the government to enact a strong pesticide control act to check rampant use of pesticide in growing of fruits and food items aiming at protecting public health.
Recently, POBA collected some 82 fruit and food items from city markets and independently tested those. The survey found DDT (Dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane), aldrin, chlordane, heptachlor and other toxic components in 40 percent of food items three to 20 times more than what the human body allows.
The survey also found the presence of toxic pesticides in 35 percent of fruits and 50 percent of vegetable items. Arsenic and chromium were detected in rice samples while antibiotics, which is harmful to human health, was found in poultry and fish items.
Besides, the survey found formalin in only 10 percent fruits, much less than in the past.  
Speaking at the press conference, POBA Chairman Abu Naser Khan said, a
section of unaware farmers, greedy traders and suppliers are using chemical, pesticide and toxic subroutines in food and fruit items.
“DDT, aldrin, chlordane and heptachlor etc are severely injurious to health. Unchecked use of pesticide in agriculture is posing a threat to public health,” he said.
POBA executive Secretary General Engr Abdus Sobhan and its Joint-Secretary Lenin Chowdhury, among others, spoke at the press conference.