Hair care simplified

Life Desk :
It is crucial to understand your hair type before you can take proper care of it. The kind of products you use should depend on the type of hair you have, and not on whims and fancies, or product endorsements. We spoke to trichologists Dr Apoorva Shah, Dr Sonal and aesthetician Ritu Singh Tanwar for tips…
Oily Hair: If your skin is oily, probably your hair is too. The reason is generally excess sebum secretion.
Recognising it: The hair end near the scalp is oily and the other end dry. It looks good just after shampooing and then later turns limp. The oiliness could be due to increase in the activity of the sebaceous glands which could be due hormonal imbalance problem or a reaction to stress.
Treatment: Regular washing with a good scalp cleanser that can wash away all the extra oil. Follow this with a hair repair serum only on the ends to prevent the ends drying out.
Dry Hair: This hair type appears to be thin and rough and prone to hair problems like the tangling, breakage and split ends.
Recognising it: Look dry, lifeless, sometime after a shampoo.
Treatment: You should strictly avoid any form of chemical treatments or thermal procedures as these procedures are known to take away the moisture content of the hair shaft making the hair even more dry and thereby more prone to damage. Use nourishing conditioners and hair repair serums. A deep conditioning treatment should be done weekly.
Normal Hair: The best hair to have, it is healthy, with a perfect balance between oily and dry.
Recognising it: It shines with health, is soft to touch, yet does not look greasy. However, harsh shampoos can harm it.
Treatment: Opt for the regular hair care regime of shampooing, conditioning and applying a hair serum.
Combs to be used:
Oily: Make sure to use a wide toothed comb. Avoid synthetic brushes and combs that create static and use ones with wooden anti-static brushes.
Dry: Avoid hard brushes on the hair shaft as it may further damage hair. Natural wooden bristles help condition dry hair, by distributing your hair’s natural oils evenly on the shaft.
Normal: Using a wooden comb is recommended because they produce accupressure-like effect on the scalp, promoting its health.