Group painting exhibition Joloj 3

Sheikh Arif Bulbon :
Joloj is an endeavour by artists
Al-Akhir Sarker, Bishan Bhakta, Golam Moshiur Rahman Choudhury, Md Azmal Uddin, Sadek Ahmed and Shaymal Biswas. The third edition of Joloj continues the series of exhibitions with a central theme of ‘the water around us’ that started in 2015.
Water is ubiquitous in Bangladesh.
To the untrained eye, layers and
layers of bricks and concrete,
man-made mundane monuments of melancholy may seem arid or ‘waterless,’ but beneath it all, water flows,
cascades, swirls and streams and calls out to every person – to wet their feet in it. Even the indolent ones cannot help but respond to that call when rainy
season happens, when a limpid pond as if by magic emerges amid greenery, or when thousands and thousands of rivers of Bangladesh make it almost impossible to not embrace water and
its lustral beauty.
The group painting exhibition titled Joloj 3 (Aquatic 3) is going on at La Galerie of Alliance Française de Dhaka (AFD) in the city’s Dhanmondi area.
The inaugural ceremony of the
exhibition was held on November 17. Iqbal Sobhan Chowdhury, Media Affairs Adviser to the Prime Minister graced the occasion as the chief guest,
while Prof Hamiduzzaman Khan, eminent sculptor and Ferdous Khan, CEO of also attended the opening ceremony of the
exhibition on the occasion.
Golam Moshiur’s paintings show the struggle of life. The agony of human being which he portrays in his artworks may make a long impact to the visitor’s mind. Bishan’s artworks are deeply attached with the nature. He usually paints his thought and likes to expose what he loves. Al-Akhir Sarker wanted to dig out his inner feelings, very
personal and free feelings, at the same time the very traditional feelings of Bengali people in his paintings. Sadek always want to express his emotion with light and shade and lost city is the
subject of his painting. Md Azmal Uddin enjoys exploring duality
(the internal and external feeling of human being) in his painting. Shamol Bishwas surroundings, the memories he nurtures, the flora and fauna, the urban life everything influences the art and colour he projects in his canvas.
The exhibition will continue
till November 28.