Govt won’t spare any criminal: Home Minister


Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan on Wednesday said the government would not spare any criminal regardless of his social status or financial might.
“Nobody is above law whatever is his social or political status,” he said while addressing the inaugural ceremony of “National Conference 2013” of the Bangabandhu Diploma Engineers Parishad at Bangladesh Diploma Engineers Institute auditorium here.
The minister said the police force 10 years ago and now under of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s governance is not the same. “They (Police) are now more capable and efficient in curbing crimes and ensuring peace,” he said.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s police force has been conducting many operations with risks on life and they have proved their efficiency when they have conducted anti-militant operations at Holey Artisan, Sholakia and Sylhet, he said.

Highlighting the image of police, Khan said this disciplined force has also been able to earn the public confidence as they have arrested many suspects of the Banani coincident. Those still absconding will be arrested soon, he said.

On the significance of Sheikh Hasina’s home-coming day being observed today, Khan said, if this leader did not return home on this day in 1981, Bangladesh would not have driven its wheels by now on the highways of development.

“Even the trials of Bangabandhu killing case and also the war criminals could not be held in this country. Moreover, the per capita income could not reach the $1,602 level with the GDP growth at around 7.24 percent by now,” he said.


The minister said the overall development went up to an overwhelming height at this moment only due to Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s visionary approaches as dreamt by Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.

In this respect, Khan referred to Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s Vision 2021 announced in 2008 to make the country poverty free to earn the middle income status and the Vision 2041 announced in 2014 for achieving the status of a developed country.

Referring to the successful implementation of the Prime Minister’s Vision 2021, he said the world community overwhelmingly praised Bangladesh’s tremendous development achieved during Sheikh Hasina’s governances. “Now, BNP leader Begum Khaleda Zia has also recognized the vision and its success,” he said.

Chaired by President of organizing council Freedom fighter AKM Abdul Motaleb, the meeting was also addressed, among others, by M Nazrul Islam MP, M Hasan Imam (Sohel Hazari) MP, Prime Minister’s Special Assistant Dr Abdus Sobhan Golap, President of Swechchasebak League Advocate Molla Mohammad Abu Kawsar and the General Secretary of Bangladesh Institute of Diploma Engineers M Shamsur Rahman.
