For hands that are forever young

Life Desk :
While it is a well known fact that hands are the first parts of the body that show signs of ageing, how many people actually take this into account everyday? We use the best scrubs and lotions to take care of our faces but when the needle shifts to taking care of our hands then we become completely forgetful. Soon enough your ignorance is rewarded when you wake up to hands decorated with age spots and fine lines. Nevertheless, since starting sooner than never is a better option, might as well make simple changes in our daily routine to delay those granny hands.
Hand cream is your new religion
Keep one in your purse or near your work station at all times so that every time you wash your hands you remember to put on some hand cream. Hand cream takes care of your skin’s moisture and keeps your hands soft and supple.
Exfoliate and moisturise
Preventing the accumulation of dead skin cells on your body is imperative and the same goes for your hands. Either use a scrub or go au naturale, by rubbing a concoction of some salt or sugar and olive oil on your hands. Follow it up with the application of a good hand cream.
Sun protection
Apply sunscreen with SPF of 30 or higher on your hands every time you are bound to expose your hands to the sun, especially while driving. Even a few minutes of exposure to the sun can speed up the ageing process drastically.
Eat a balanced diet and drink a lot of water if your hands start developing deep lines because that tends to be a sign of dehydrated skin.
Exercises like drumming your fingers on the table or flexing your fingers into a fist will contribute towards keeping your hands youthful.
Try to wear gloves while undertaking gardening and other household activities. The changing season demands that you pay more attention to your hands, so give them what they want. You’ll be amazed to see that these small yet effective lifestyle changes can bring a lot of difference in the longer run.