Export thru ALP remained normal during the truck strike


Akhaura Correspondent :
Export activities were normal through Akhaura land port (ALP) during the truck strike over an allegation of extortion slightly hampering the release of goods.
The release of the goods imported from India was slightly hampered as trucks of Brahmanbaria carry those but there was no impact on export activities as goods exported to India are carried by trucks of other districts, said Rajib Uddin Bhuiyan, owner of Shoaib Trade International at the land port.
However, normalcy has returned to the land port as truck owners and workers withdrew their strike on Thursday (21 October) following the administration’s assurance of resolving the issue.
Following an allegation of collecting extortion from trucks carrying exported goods to the land port against a locally influential syndicate, the District Truck owners association, on 7 October, wrote to the Brahmanbaria Deputy Commissioner to settle the issue.
