Ex-professor of DU Rabea Khatun passes away


Dr. Rabea Khatun, former professor of Department of Sociology, University of Dhaka, passed away on Friday at a hospital in Mobile, USA at the age of 76.
Professor Rabea Khatun, was the elected member of Dhaka University Senate as well as the Dhaka University Teacher’s Association.
Besides, she discharged her duty for two terms as the provost of Kuwait Moitry Hall and many other academic and administrative responsibilities of Dhaka University with success.
She left behind one daughter (Professor Syeda Lasna Kabir, Dept. Public Administration, University of Dhaka), two sons (currently living in USA), 5 grandchildren and a host of students, colleagues and relatives to mourn her death.
Dr. Rabea Khatun laid to rest in Dallas at USA after Namaz- e- Janaza.
