Epic poet Zazabar Osman

Mohammad Asad :
Born in 1940 in a village called Shapkhola in Jhenidah (formerly a subdivision of greater Osman Jessore district) Zazabar, recipient of a number of awards, earned his post graduate degrees in History and English from the universities of the Punjab and Dhaka in 1966 and 1975. A pro-life writer with good command of English and Bengali, Zazabar has published sixteen books so far. Keen sense of visualisation, objective condition of the milieu, perception of the present vis-a-vis the future and above all humanism are prominent in the poems of Zazabar Osman. Zazabar is a poet of democracy, peace and humanity. In most of his poems the wretched and the down trodden people are vividly depicted and immaculately portrayed. He has profusely written on the people or race coming from the lower strata of life viz Snake charmer, Blacksmith, Potter, Weaver, Fisherman, Gypsy, Nigar, Nurse, Cultivator etc. His ‘Rahumukti’ (Freedom from the clutches of Saturn), an immortal epic in Bengali, an excellent work of art, exuberant in diction, rhyme, rhythm and concinnity of language dealing with the theme of the emancipation of the freedom loving oppressed people of Bangladesh from the shackles of dictatorial repression and socio-political bondage, has been widely acclaimed. Zazabar Osman has sung the song of democracy in his anthology of poetry entitled ‘The Wave of Democracy’. Zazabar Osman has invited the people of the world irrespective of caste and Creed to come under the sway of democracy. National Professord Kabir Chowdhury says about Harbinger Peace, “Osman is a serious poet who has some definite things to say and who knows, by and large, to say them with vigour and grace. The first poem after which the book is named is fairly long one and has a Whitmanesque flavor, its central theme is glorification of democracy and true democrats, but what gives the poem an added dimension is a certain metaphysical outlook of the poet.” This book was sent to Bill Clinton, the U.S.A president. Having had the book, he writes to Zazabar Osman: “Thank you for your kind words and your thoughtful gifts. We appreciate you remembering us in this special way and very grateful for your support”
Having received a letter from Zazabar Osman, The special Assistant and U.S.A First Lady’s Seduling Director writes,
“Thank you for the kind letter and invitation To Mrs. Clinton to visit with you at the White House, Although Mrs. Clinton’s official schedule will not permit her to accept the invitation, she appreciates your thoughtfulness and sends her best wishes. Please do not hesitate to contact our office if we can be of any assistance to you in the future.”
Zazabar Osman’s epic Rahumukti written on the war of Independence of Bangladesh and its architect Bangabondhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman is one of the best epics in the world literature. Rahumukti is an epic of those which have been written in grand style. Having gotten the Rahumukti Epic, President Bill Clinton wrote, “Thank you so much for your kind gift. I appreciate your thoughtfulness and generosity. You have my best wishes”.
Passionate observation and romantic emotion permeate the lucid verses of Zazabar Osman. One discovers in these an earnest yearning for a human society built upon closer understanding’ and sympathy. The most outstanding writings of Zazabar Osman are Not War but Peace, Have not’s Prayer, An Outcry, The Wave of Democracy, Harbinger of Peace, After a Thousand Years, To a Great Soul of Democracy, Blood Speaks (novel), Rahumukti (Freedom from the clutches of Saturn), an epic in Bengali.
‘To a Great Soul of Democracy’ brings forth complex and mellifluous portrayal of democratic values, love and affection, rights and human miseries. Going through the verses readers would have a feeling as if they are witnessing a life situation in which people are palpably real. In this composition, Zazabar presented a life story told with great mastery of words. In sooth, He is a poet of peace, democracy and humanity.
Zazabar Osman has written another epic in English entitled ‘Democracy Wins’ comprising of thirty four thousand lines, the second biggest epic in the world literature. This will, we hope, be published by the next year. So far we know, Zazabar Osman is a lone epic poet alive in the world literature. Despite his uncommon qualities, he is still in the dark and an unsung hero in the realm of epic. No epic poet in the world literature has written an epic other than his own language. The epic poets of the bygone times have written epic either on methological tale or Biblical story or on a story of bygone times or on imaginary concept or episodes. Zazabar Osman is quite different and exceptional. He has written the epic in observation of reality, he has never resorted to unreal and concocted elements that gives no real joy to human life. We believe, Zazabar Osman is a bright star in the domain of epic. His ‘Democracy Wins’ will bring international name and fame for him in the years to come.