Don`t blame people blame should be acknowledged by the govt for not being on a war like footing

The crowd of home goers on roads and water ways from the capital to join families ahead of Eid-ul-Fitr show how the government is not serious to make the lockdown work. It was known to the government how people are desperate for going to observe Eid with relations but the administration did nothing additionally to warn of the consequence of infecting their relatives with the deadly corona virus. They have been unable to do so but if the people try to spread the pandemic they will be stopped by the government and punished.
We are not sure if the government is investing enough time and money for organising a campaign against the viciousness of the coronavirus and tell the people repeatedly why social distancing is so important. The people must also be made aware how important it is to wash their hands and use masks. The fight against corona is akin to fighting a war. That kind of preparedness is absent totally.
All government people have become used to blaming people for every wrong forgetting that as public servants they must prove their worthiness in doing what is good for the people.

The crowd is only growing in all directions amid a looming cyclone on Wednesday as media reports said though public transport remained shutdown. In such a situation to implement lockdown was a major challenge to the government. There was no such preparations.

The government should have used police and if necessary army, to be successful in restraining spread of the virus in villages. The government is in an emergency situation and must be active like an emergency government. The people do not see the government or its agencies so active.
It is too much to think that everything will be safe and easy for the government even for dealing with a pandemic like world crisis. The government and government agencies have long ceased to be efficient in serving the public interest. It cannot happen the government does not depend on the public support but rely on bureaucrats. The bureaucrats have taken easy life for granted as the king makers.


IG Police on Tuesday has expressed anguish on unruly home going crowds saying at least 23 districts were corona free until the second week of April but he fears the countryside will badly affected by home comers. He even called the home goers death ambassadors.

We are sorry to express on behalf of the people that the government persons have not generally treated them with the importance and respect they expect from public servants. Now the situation is nobody respects anybody in public life. Only a simmering anger exists — seen or not seen.

Expressing anxieties and doing one’s public duty are two different things.
There is another aspect that is being ignored by the people is due to the lack of trust and respect for government high ups who are advising the people about what to do and not to do. They let down the people in every aspect of their lives. They feel repulsive to accept their advice. Specially the ministers do not know how people detest them for their incompetence and corruption. They pretend to be public leaders when they are not.
The point we driving at is that it is now incumbent for the government people wherever they are to earn respect of the people by working for the people the hard way.
