Death anniv of Comrade Moni Singh today


The 25th death anniversary of Comrade Moni Singh, former president of Communist Party of Bangladesh (CPB), will be observed today.
Comrade Singh was a member of the Advisory Council of the Provisional Government of Bangladesh during the Liberation War in 1971.
He was born in Kolkata on July 28, 1901, to Kali Kumar Singh and Sarala Devi. He shifted to Durgapur in Mymensingh (Present Netrokona) with his mother at the age of seven, after his father’s death.
Moni Singh, an Independence Award recipient, died on December 31, 1990 at the age of 84. He will be ever remembered as a torchbearer of non-communal politics.
Different parties and organizations including CPB will pay tributes by placing wreaths at the monument of Moni Singh at Postogola crematorium at 7 am today.
