Criteria for hiring freshers in an organisation

Abdul Baten Rafi :
For human resource planning, the organization projects its likely demand for personnel with particular knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs). In employee selection the organization must (1) determine the relevant individual differences (KSAs) needed to do the job and (2) identify and utilize selection methods that will reliably and validly assess the extent to which job applicants possess the needed KSAs. These KSAs can be expressed in terms of a job specification.

Validity of selection methods

In the selection context, validity refers to the appropriateness, meaningfulness, and usefulness of the inferences made about applicants during the selection process.

Achieving validity


 The organization must have a clear notion of the job requirements and use selection methods that reliably and accurately measure these qualifications.

Selection methods

A firm should use selection methods that reliably and accurately measure the needed qualifications
Many selection techniques are available for assessing candidates. How does a company decide which ones to use? Employers should follow this process:
1. Thoroughly assess each applicant’s previous work experience to determine if the candidate has exhibited relevant behaviors in the past.
2. If such behaviors are found, evaluate the applicant’s past success on each behavior based on carefully developed rating scales.
3. If the applicant has not had an opportunity to exhibit such behaviors, estimate the future likelihood of these behaviors by administering various types of assessments. The more closely an assessment simulates actual job behaviors, the better the prediction.
Assessing and documenting validity
Three strategies can be used to determine the validity of a selection method.
1. Content-oriented strategy: Demonstrates that the company followed proper procedures in the development and use of its selection devices.
2. Criterion-related strategy: Provides statistical evidence showing a relationship between applicant selection scores and subsequent job performance levels.
3. Validity generalization strategy: Demonstrates that other companies have already established the validity of the selection practice.
Making final selection
A typical way of applying selection methods to a large number of applicants for a job requiring relatively high levels of KSAs would be the following:
1. Use application blanks, resumes, and short interviews to determine which job applicants meet the minimum requirements for the job. If the number of applicants is not too large, the information provided by applicants can be verified with reference and/or background checks.
2. Use extensive interviews and appropriate testing to determine which of the minimally qualified job candidates have the highest degree of the KSAs required by the job.
3. Make contingent offers to one or more job finalists as identified by Step 2. Job offers may be contingent upon successful completion of a drug test or other forms of back-ground checks. General medical exams can only be given after a contingent offer is made.
The use of successive hurdles lowers selection costs by requiring fewer assessments to be made as the list of viable candidates shrinks.

(Abdul Baten Rafi is a MBA student in a private university).
