Covid Snippets


India reopens public places despite record infections

Malls and temples reopened in several Indian cities on Monday despite the country reporting a record daily number of new coronavirus infections, with the pandemic expected to ravage the country for weeks to come
New Zealand’s Ministry of Health says the country, which implemented one of the toughest lockdowns anywhere in the world, no longer has any active cases of coronavirus.
Pakistan’s coronavirus cases have crossed the 100,000 mark after 4,728 new infections were reported on Sunday.
More than seven million people have now been confirmed to have the coronavirus with at least 403,000 dying from the disease, according to data from Johns Hopkins University. The US, the UK and Brazil have recorded the highest death tolls. Here are the latest updates:
Moscow to lift all major coronavirus restrictions this month

Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said all major restrictions relating to the novel coronavirus would be lifted in the Russian capital in June.
Writing on his personal website, Sobyanin said beauty salons and veterinary clinics could open from June 9, museums and outdoor areas at cafes from June 16, and gyms and restaurants from June 23.
Students return to schools in South Africa

In South Africa, children started returning to classrooms on Monday as part of a gradual loosening of lockdown restrictions even as some parents worried that not enough had been done to protect the health of pupils.
The reopening of schools was delayed after teachers’ unions urged school staff to defy the government order last week, saying schools lacked sufficient health and hygiene measures to keep educators and pupils safe.
Minister of Basic Education Angie Motshekga said on Sunday ramped-up efforts to equip schools over the past week meant that 95 percent of South Africa’s primary and secondary schools were now able to host classes, and the biggest teachers union dropped its resistance to the reopening.
“The golden rule is there will be no school that will resume if not ready to do so,” Motshekga said.
The government will find alternative arrangements for pupils at schools unable to open on Monday, she said.
South Africa has recorded nearly 50,000 cases of the new coronavirus – the most of any African country – along with almost 1,000 deaths.
Indonesia records more than 800 new Covid-19 cases


Indonesia’s health ministry reported 847 new coronavirus infections and 32 new deaths, taking the total number of cases to 32,033 and deaths to 1,883.
The Southeast Asian country has tested more than 274,400 people for the virus, according to a document compiled by its COVID-19 taskforce.
Some 10,904 patients have recovered, the ministry said.
Pakistan’s former prime minister tests positive for Covid-19

Pakistan’s former Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi has tested positive for the novel coronavirus, his family and party confirmed.
Abbasi, who served as prime minister for 10 months from 2017 to 2018 following the disqualification of three-time Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, has gone into self-isolation.
Pakistani Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi attends a panel discussion with the Council on Foreign Relations in Manhattan, New York
Meanwhile, Railways Minister Sheikh Rashid Ahmed, and former health minister for northeast Punjab province, Khawaja Salman Rafiq, have also contracted the virus.
Thailand reports two weeks without local transmission

Meanwhile, in Thailand, seven new coronavirus infections and no new deaths were reported on Monday, with the new cases found in quarantine, taking the country to two weeks without local transmission.
Thailand has reported 77 cases in the past 14 days and all were contained after being imported from overseas, said Taweesin Visanuyothin, a spokesman for the government’s Centre for COVID-19 Situation Administration.
The total number of confirmed cases stands at 3,119, with 58 deaths.
Cuba says coronavirus pandemic ‘under control’

Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel has declared the coronavirus pandemic “under control” after the island nation registered an eighth straight day without a death from COVID-19.
It paves the way for an announcement next week on Cuba’s strategy to gradually lift its lockdown.
The country of 11.2 million has recorded just under 2,200 cases and 83 deaths from the virus. With 1,862 people having recovered, Cuba has only 244 active cases.
However, Diaz-Canel said the country could not become complacent given a spate of new infections since May 28.
