Coronavirus death toll rises to 18 in Iran


Al Arabiya News :
The death toll from the deadly coronavirus rose to 18 in Iran on Sunday, reported Al Arabiya citing Iranian sources.
The Iranian government confirmed two more deaths on Sunday, putting their total to eight, but Al Arabiya sources put the number initally at 18 and then at “more than 15.” On the same day, Iran International media outlet also put the number at 18 on its Arabic Twitter page.
The country is the first in the Middle East where people have died from the deadly coronavirus, which began in the Chinese city of Wuhan but continues to spread across the world.
Watch: Iranians greet each other with feet to avoid spreading coronavirus.
Video showing Iranian men greeting each other with their feet.
On Saturday, Tehran had reported six deaths, with 28 infected, but by Sunday the number was far higher.
The outbreak reportedly began in the Shia holy city of Qom, central Iran, with two elderly people dying from the virus on Wednesday.
The government has responded by shutting schools in Qom and putting travel restrictions on citizens, but many Iranians have protested against what they see as an incompetent response amid parliamentary elections marred by low turnout.
Protesters in the northern city of Talash, according to social media.
Protests against the Iranian government’s handling of the outbreak broke out in the northern city of Talash, according to video footage on Sunday morning.
Protesters gathered in front of the Noorani Hospital of Talesh country in Gilan Province, northern Iran, on Saturday night.Videos being shared online also showed Iranian security forces firing tear gas at the protesters.
Sources confirmed to Al Arabiya that Iranian authorities will be suspending all football matches across the country starting on Sunday for 10 days due to the outbreak.
