
22 areas at high risk in Dhaka

Reza Mahmud :
Chikungunya, a mosquito-infested disease, still poses a serious health threat in the country. Many people have been infected by this disease in recent days, experts said.
They said that the disease causes acute fever with huge pain in different joints of the body, especially in legs.
They asked the chikunguniya infected patients to take huge liquids like water and juice.
Most of the patients infected by this disease are not hospitalized. So the real number of infected patients could not be known.
The experts asked the people to be aware of mosquitoes. People have been advised
 to use mosquito nets, spray medicines or use mosquito coil to drive mosquitoes away.
They said mosquito bear the disease from the infected people to other. If any mosquito bites anyone after biting any chikunguniya patient, he may be infected.
They also said the disease has no specific treatment. So, most of the patients are taking treatment staying at home. Only some serious weak patients are taken to hospitals.
“It is a disease infected by mosquitoes. The people should be aware of mosquitoes. If anyone infected by this disease, the family should take most cautionary measures to protect other members from being infested by the disease,” Professor Dr. Mukhesuzzaman Hero, the Deputy Director of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University, told The New Nation yesterday.
He said the patients should take paracetamol or go to doctor immediately.
According to Directorate General of Health Service (DGHS), a total of 63 patients have been taken to hospital infected by chikunguniya still Thursday.
But according to the victims’ families, there are a much more number of people who have been infected by chikunguniya disease.
Kamal Uddin, a private job holder in Jatrabari area, has been infected by this disease. Later, all of his four family members were also infected by the disease, he said.
Similarly, Jolly Ahmed, a home maker of Bonosree area in the city, also infected with the disease last week.
Fatima Abedin, a journalist from Tejgaon area, was also infected by the disease. None of these patients are diagnosed in hospital. Many new infected cases are also reported every day from different areas in the city.
According to patients, the disease makes them huge weak. It also causes severe headache and pain in most joints of the body. Besides, allergy found in eyes and other parts of body after infected by the disease.
Epidemiology, Disease Control and Research (IEDCR) has released a report in which it said that they have identified 21 most risky places in the city for chikungunia disease.
The report was released at a meeting on ‘Doings for prevention of chikungunya disease’ in the Health and Family Welfare Ministry on Thursday.
Health and Family Welfare Minister Mohammad Nasim presided over the meeting. Director General of Directorate General of Health Service (DGHS) Prof Dr Abul Kalam Azad and officials of the ministry, the health officials from the Dhaka South City Corporation and Dhaka North City Corporation, among others, were present at the meeting.
The risky areas are Uttara-9, Middle Badda, Gulshan-1, Lalmatia, Pallabi, Maghbazar, Malibagh, Rampura, Tejgaon, Banani, Nayatola, Kuril, Pirerbagh, Rayer Bazar, Shymoli, Uttara-4, Monipuripara, Mohammadpur, Mohakhali, Mirpur-1 and Korail Slum.
When contacted, the DSCC Chief Health Officer Brigadier General (Dr) Sheikh Salehuddin told The New Nation that the employees of the corporation are regularly spraying medicines to destroy mosquitoes breeding sources.