Call to use Bangla in all spheres of life


Deputy Speaker of the Jatiya Sangsad Advocate Fazle Rabbi Mia on Saturday urged all to promote the efforts for using Bangla language in all spheres of life.
“We should boost universal use of Bangla language and practise Bangla literature aiming to ease introduction of Bangla language in the High Court,” he told a discussion on “Introduction of Bangla Language in all spheres of High Court” at the Jatiya Press Club here.
Humanity Foundation, voluntary human rights organization, organized the discussion.
Election Commissioner Mohammad Abdul Mobarak, Language veteran Ahmed Rafiq, Chairman of human rights committee of Bangladesh Bar Council ZI Khan Panna and Prof Abul Qashem Md Fazlul Haque of Department of Bangla of Dhaka University, among others, addressed the discussion with former governor of Bangladesh Bank Dr
Salauddin Ahmed in the chair. Joint Editor of the Daily Prothom Alo Mizanur Rahman Khan presented the keynote paper at the discussion.
Refereeing to the background of language movement,Rabbi said many valiant sons of the soil, including Salam, Barkat, Rafique and Jabbar sacrificed their lives for protecting the dignity of our mother tongue. “We all should work together to promote and use of Bangla language in our national life.”
Other speakers said the people of Bangladesh have a long history of deep love and profound respect for the mother tongue and the main objective of the language movement was to ensure extensive practices of Bangla language in every sphere of national life.
As Bangla is mostly used in the lower courts, they said adding judicial procedures in the higher court of Bangladesh should be carried out in the state language, Bangla.
