Bid to burn 2 TV journos in city for taking footage on polythene

Staff Reporter :
Unidentified miscreants tried to burn two TV journalists at Chawkbazar in Dhaka city for taking footage of the use of banned polythene in a shop on Sunday morning.
The miscreants poured kerosene on the bodies of the journalists and tried to set them ablaze before the
local people intercepted and rescued and sent them to a private hospital for treatment.
The criminals stabbed them indiscriminately with iron sticks and country made arms after they fell on the road.
The victims are Shakil Hasan, Senior Reporter of Jamuna TV, and Camera Person Shahin Alam, police said.
Ibrahim Khan, Deputy Commissioner (Lalbagh Division) of Dhaka Metropolitan Police, said “The TV journalists went to the shop No. 30 at Debighat to capture the footage of the banned polythene in the shop. But shopkeepers Abdul Jabbar and Abdur Rahim seriously objected and told the journalists not to take any photo of the use of polythene. After that cameras were damaged. Thereafter, a gang of 10 to 12 people attacked them and tried to set fire on them.”
Local people rescued them from the attackers and admitted to a private hospital instantly, the senior police officer said. A case on charge of attempt to murder and giving threat was filed with the Chawkbazar Police Station, the DC said.
We are trying to arrest the guilty through fair investigation, he said. The shop also already has been sealed, the DC said.