BD workers being paid in Singapore


Business Desk:
Bangladeshi workers are being paid in
Singapore amid suspension of all construction works there under “circuit breaker” progrmme due to outbreak of deadly COVID-19 pandemic.
Besides, Singaporean government is providing free food, healthcare and other essential supplies to the stranded Bangladeshi workers there.
This was revealed on Thursday as Foreign Minister Dr AK Abdul Momen held a telephone conversation with his Singaporean counterpart Vivian Balakrishnan on Thursday, said a foreign ministry press release.
As per the latest report, there are 244 Bangladeshi nationals out of the total 1,481 COVID-19 positive patients in Singapore while some Bangladeshi workers remain in quarantine there.
Momen expressed gratitude to Singapore foreign minister for his country’s efforts to ensure all the healthcare and welfare of Bangladeshi workers there.
Meanwhile in a facebook post Balakrishnan said the two foreign ministers exchanged notes on their responses to the COVID-19 pandemic, reaffirming the need to work together to overcome this common challenge.
“These (Bangladeshi) workers have made significant contributions to Singapore, and we have a responsibility to provide for their well-being,” read the post.
He said they also agreed to work together to facilitate the repatriation of Bangladeshi nationals and workers who want to return home, and to bring Singaporeans back home from Bangladesh to be reunited with their families and beloved ones.
