BD of strategic interest to US: Bernicat


UNB, Dhaka :US Ambassador in Dhaka Marcia Stephens Bloom Bernicat on Wednesday said all who love Bangladesh need to spread the word that Bangladesh is a vibrant economic partner which is improving workers’ rights and creating safe working environments.”The path forward is clear,” she said while addressing an event in the city titled ‘Strengthening the Bangladesh-US Bilateral Economic Relationship’.American Chamber of Commerce in Bangladesh (AmCham) arranged the event. AmCham President Aftab Ul Islam and Executive Director A Gafur, business leaders, civil society members, representatives of multilateral institutions and diplomats were present.The US envoy, however, said spreading the word is not enough as all have to constantly push the envelope forward as Bangladesh is synonymous with the best work practices and the safest factories.”We also need to spread the word that Bangladesh is a partner with skilled manufacturing capabilities that is interested in further developing its technical base,” she said.The US diplomat said Bangladesh is of strategic interest to the United States and they see Bangladesh not only in terms of bilateral ties but also as a partner in addressing issues outside the two countries.”For example, Bangladesh already plays an admirable role on the global stage as a model of tolerance, generous contributor of peacekeepers to UN missions around the world, and force in regional security,” she said.Bernicat said ideally South Asia’s regional interconnectivity would have to grow with its economies, but it has lagged. “To maintain economic prospects going forward, the countries in this is region will ideally prioritise the flowering of trade and transportation linkages among them.””My instructions are clear: to help this country, home to 166 million people, further develop economically and to strengthen our bilateral relationship, including our commercial ties,” she said adding that Bangladeshis are a wonderfully warm, industrious, charitable, and hospitable people.Bernicat said, business partnerships between Americans and Bangladeshis are about more than just the exchange of goods and services. “They reflect the exchange of ideas, of philosophies, of new technologies and systems.”
