BD-Australia to fight together global scourge of terrorism and extremism


Visiting Australian Ambassador for Counter-Terrorism Paul Foley has said his country will continue to support Bangladesh and its people to address the threats of terrorism and violent extremism. He has also emphasised that terrorism and violent extremism are challenges shared by all countries. Mr. Foley who leads Australia’s international engagement on counter-terrorism and counter-violent extremism as an ambassador for Counter-Terrorism will leave Dhaka Thursday after visiting Rohingya camps in Cox’s Bazar.
Echoing the Australian High Commissioner to Bangladesh Julia Niblett’s earlier public statement, Mr. Foley extended his heartfelt condolences to the Bangladeshi victims of the shocking terrorist attack in Christchurch, New Zealand, and their families. He also highlighted the statements of Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison condemning this atrocity in the strongest possible terms. “Australia shares the grief of Muslim communities the world over, and will not tolerate the right-wing extremist ideology that fueled the terrorist attack,” the Australian Premier had said.
Currently, the people of Australia have shown their deepest sympathy and cooperation to the Muslim community though an Australian-origin gunman was solely responsible for Christchurch massacre. Besides, the world had seen how the far-right Australian Senator Fraser Anning during a news conference in Melbourne was harassed by a 15-year old boy. When the Senator said: Muslims “may have been the victims today; usually they are the perpetrators.” — the boy raised his cell phone with his left hand; then he lifted his right hand to crack a raw egg on the back of Anning’s head.
“The real cause of bloodshed on New Zealand streets today is the immigration program which allowed Muslim fanatics to migrate to New Zealand in the first place,” Anning wrote in a statement. But the Australian government and its people have refused to accept his statement. Majority Australians are totally against any terrorism in the name of race, cast, colour or religion. And it was reflected, when nearly 1.5 million people have signed a petition to have the Senator Anning removed from Parliament.
Australia is a longstanding development and security partner of Bangladesh. We are hopeful that, Bangladesh will get Australia beside it for tackling together the global scourge of terrorism and violent extremism.
