Australia withdraws ban on air cargo from BD: Menon

BSS, Dhaka :
Australia has withdrawn its ban on air cargo from Dhaka considering the Bangladesh government’s recent progress in airport security.
“We received a letter from the Australian High Commission here in this regards on last Thursday. We have already made significant progress on airport security that will also help us to get cargo ban withdrawn from the UK soon,” Civil Aviation and Tourism Minister Rashed Khan Menon told journalists at a briefing at the ministry’s conference room at secretariat here.
However, the Australian government gave a condition that cargo from Bangladesh has to be rescreened wherever it takes stopover on the way to Australia.
About the cargo ban to the UK, the minister said the UK validator has already visited here and he will submit a report on ACC3 (Air Carrier Carrying Cargo or Mail from Third Country Airport) to the UK, Department for Transport (DfT). “If the report be good, the UK will withdraw its ban on direct cargo flight from Dhaka,” he said.
Menon said, the ministry will send a delegation to the Heathrow International Airport of London soon to discuss on the matter. “I am hopeful, the UK government will withdraw its direct cargo flight ban from Bangladesh soon,” he said. The minister said a separate safety zone at the cargo village of Hazrat Shahjalal
International Airport (HSIA) received status of RA3 (EU Aviation Security Validated Regulated Agent) on May 5. Achieving the RA3 status is mandatory as per the cargo handling regulations of the European union to ship cargo to any EU state countries by air. “As per our plan the entire cargo village will get RA3 status and all cargo carrying airlines will be brought operation from Dhaka,” he said.
Replying a query, the minister said initially the cargo handling was slowed down due to rearrangement of security equipment especially for the perishable goods.