Birth number 1 and 2016: Those who were born on the date of 1,10,19 or 28 of any English month, are the possessors of birth number 1. The new year will bring new hopes, fulfillment of dreams for them. Many will see the sun of marriage up crossing the Atlantic of “Waiting”. Be careful of health in the last quarter of the year. Lucky days are Sunday and Monday.  

Birth number 2 and 2016: Those who were born on the date of 2,11,20 & 29 of any English month are the bearers of birth number 2. Some of them will be more successful than the previous year. Some will go abroad, some will be permanent migrants. Try to be careful of bowel related diseases. Lucky days are Monday & Friday.

Birth number 3 and 2016: If one is born on the date of 3,12 or 30, he or she is the bearer of birth number 3. The new year will bring a good news of the first order. Some will get the opportunity to perform Holy Hajj. Try to be careful of nerve related problem in the last quarter of the year. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday will be the lucky days.

Birth number 4 and 2016: Those who were born on the date of 4,13,22 or 31 are the bearers of birth number 4. Some will say good bye to their bachelorhood. Some will be able to be the owner of real estate. Some will be victims of natural disaster. Try to be careful of backbone related problems in the middle of the year. Sunday, Monday, Saturday will be the lucky days.


Birth number 5 and 2016: If one is born on the date of 5,14,23 of an English month, one is the bearers of the birth number 5. Some will attain fame. You might be introduced to someone and the relationship might turn into marriage in future. Try to be careful of nerve related problem. Wednesday, Friday and Saturday will be the lucky days.

Birth number 6 and 2016: Financial good news. Some will fall in love unconsciously. Political high ambitions will be fulfilled. Some will go abroad and some will be permanent migrants. Be careful of ENT problems. Thursday and Friday will be the lucky days.

Birth number 7 and 2016: If the birth date is 7,16 or 25, one will be the bearer of birth number 7. Some will be inheritors of land. Obstacles on the path to marriage will go. Some will be winner in legal problems. Long cherished dream to go abroad will see light. Try to be careful of dental and oral problems in the first period of the year. Sunday, Monday, Wednesday will be the lucky days.

Birth number 8 and 2016: Those who were born on the date of 8,17 or 26 of an English month, bear the birth number 8. Work place will be full of glorious results. Foreign tour is likely. Some will experience a romantic relationship which will make the couples husbands-wives in future. Try to be careful of lever related problems. Sunday, Monday, Saturday will be the lucky days.

Birth number 9 and 2016: The birth on the date of 9,18 of 27 an English month makes one the bearer of birth number 9. Some will undergo a sea-change so far as religious practices are concerned. Try to control expenditure. Foreign tour is likely. Try to be careful of Measles or Chicken Pox attack. Tuesday, Thursday, Friday will be the lucky days.
-Mondal Prodip Kumar
