Alfa Style, a new fashion wears outlet, starts its journey at Jamuna Future Park on Saturday. KM Mozibul Hoque, Chairman, SAM Yousuf, Managing Director, Kazi Shah Muzakker Ahmedul Hoque, Director of the company and Naem Nizam, Editor of The Daily Bangladesh Protidin were also present.

Alfa Style, a new fashion wears outlet, starts its journey at Jamuna Future Park on Saturday. KM Mozibul Hoque, Chairman, SAM Yousuf, Managing Director, Kazi Shah Muzakker Ahmedul Hoque, Director of the company and Naem Nizam, Editor of The Daily Banglade
Alfa Style, a new fashion wears outlet, starts its journey at Jamuna Future Park on Saturday. KM Mozibul Hoque, Chairman, SAM Yousuf, Managing Director, Kazi Shah Muzakker Ahmedul Hoque, Director of the company and Naem Nizam, Editor of The Daily Banglade

