Addl security brought more safety: EU, German envoys

UNB, Dhaka :
European Union Ambassador in Dhaka Pierre Mayaudon and German Ambassador Dr Thomas Prinz on Tuesday expressed satisfaction over additional security measures that have brought more safety for them in helping them move and live freely.
They made the remark while talking to a small group of reporters at the Foreign Ministry after their separate meetings with Foreign Secretary M Shahidul Haque. Mayaudon said the additional security measures taken by the police have brought more ‘safety’ for them, especially in the diplomatic zone.
German Ambassador Thomas Prinz said he still
feels quite secure and he has not changed his lifestyle. The Ambassador also said he is a bit more careful than he had been before.
The EU Ambassador, however, said the security issue was not discussed at the meeting as it was purely on the coming joint commission meeting to be held here in mid-November. “No, it was not the topic. The topic was purely about joint commission and the Asia-Europe Meeting.”
Mongolia will host the 11th ASEM Summit of Heads of State and Government (ASEM11) in 2016 in Ulaanbaatar in which over 50 countries will participate.
Mayaudon said the EU-Bangladesh joint commission will review trade and investment, human rights, migration, development and many other issues. The meeting will also find ways to expand trade ties with the EU countries. Responding to another question, the Ambassador said the EU trade commissioner will be visiting Bangladesh, but not very soon.
The German Ambassador said there has been an invitation for Foreign Secretary to visit Berlin in December this year what he conveyed and was accepted.
Earlier on Monday, the United States, France and Italy expressed satisfaction over the measures taken by the government for the safety and security of foreigners in Bangladesh.
US Ambassador in Dhaka Marcia Bernicat said the government of Bangladesh has been extremely responsive to their requests to help ensure foreigners’ safety in the face of the current threat.