1200 unions to be brought under fibre optic


A new horizon has been opened up in reaching the benefit of technology to the doorsteps of the people and linking the people with the government in a bigger way as the Cabinet Committee on Purchase on Wednesday approved the Info Government Project-3.
“With the endorsement of the project, the government led by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina moved another step forward in materializing the dream of Digital Bangladesh,” State Minister for ICT Division Junaid Ahmed Palak said in his instant reaction.
The state minister said more area of the country would be brought under the digital connectivity side by side with generating huge employment with execution of the Info Government Project-3.
“The aim of the present government is to achieve social progress and the people’s satisfaction and ensure free flow of information by raising efficiency and connectivity. So, we want to take the people living up to the union level to the internet world and involve them in modern professions,” he said.
Through the Info Government Project-3, 1200 unions would brought under the high speed internet connection by erecting 8000 kiolmeter fiber optic cable. Besides, 554 Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) would be established in seven divisions, 64 districts, 64 upazilas, 319 pourasabhas and 100 colleges.
Seven divisions, 64 districts and 100 colleges would be brought under the videoconferencing system and backbone network bandwidth would be expanded to the divisional headquarters, the National Data Centre and the district ICT Centre from the union and district ICT centre.
The backbone upgradation would be made in 200 upazila ICT Centres, while backbone router would be installed in 64 upazila ICT centres.
The issues of expansion of Network Management System by introduction of desktop cloud for 250 clients, observation of network equipment and solving the question of the people regarding the network through setting up a Help Desk have been included in the Info Government-3 project.
Mentionable that almost all upazilas have been brought under the fibre optic cable, while videoconferencing facilities have been introduced at 800 offices at the upazila level through the Bangla Gov Net and Info Government-2 Project.
