Zika virus likely to spread in Asia: WHO

BBC Online :
Zika infections are “highly likely” to keep spreading in Asia, the World Health Organization (WHO) has warned.
Hundreds of cases of the virus have been reported in Singapore while two cases of Zika-linked microcephaly have already been confirmed in Thailand.
The mosquito-borne virus has been detected in 70 countries worldwide, at least 19 in the Asia Pacific region.
WHO director Margaret Chan said experts were still looking for ways to deal with the virus.
In a report released on Monday at its annual meeting in Manila, the WHO said it is “highly likely that the region will continue to report new cases and possibly new outbreaks of Zika”.
This is because the carrier of the disease – the Aedes mosquito – is widely found in the region, which also sees a high volume of travel.
There is also still uncertainty about the level of immunity in the regional population, the report added.
“Unfortunately, scientists do not yet have answers to many critical questions [about Zika],” Ms Chan said at the meeting.