Zero tolerance to illegal occupation of forests: Jacob


Deputy Minister for Forest and Environment Abdullah Al Islam Jacob on Monday said the government would not tolerate any illegal land occupation of forests.
Firming the government’s stance of zero tolerance to illegal occupation on forests, he said, “The government by no means will accept any illegal occupation on areas of forests.”
“The government is working relentlessly to increase forest area of the country to implement the 2030 agenda for Sustainable Development goals,” he said.
He was speaking as the chief guest at a discussion at Hoimonti auditorium of Bon Bhaban at city’s Agargaon area with Chief Conservator of Forest M Yunus Ali in the chair.
Ministry of forest and Environment organized the programme to mark the International Day of Forests with the theme, “Forests and Water; Sustain Life and Livelihoods” to raise awareness of the interconnections between forests and water and their contributions to human survival.
While presenting the Key Note Paper country representative of IUCN, Bangladesh, Ishtiaq Ahmed said, “Forested watersheds and wetlands supply 75 percent of the world’s accessible freshwater.”
Every year the Day celebrates the ways in which forests and trees sustain and protect people and this year the Day is raising awareness how forests are key to the planet’s supply of freshwater, which is essential for life.
