Yunus Social Business Centre at Hong Kong University

Economic Reporter :
Nobel Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus visited Hong Kong on Wednesday. He gave the “I CARE-University Lecture on Civility” in the packed Sir Run Run Shaw Hall of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) among 20,000 students.
Professor Shen Zu Yao, Vice Chancellor of the university greeted Professor Yunus as he arrived at the campus. In his 45 minutes lecture Professor Yunus detailed his views on how to build a sustainable world emphasizing that the present money-centric world is unsustainable.
Following the lecture 1996 Nobel Laureate in Economics Sir James Mirrlees, who is currently Distinguished Professor-at-Large at CUHK, interviewed Professor Yunus on stage to respond to some of the theoretical questions raised in his speech his lecture. The university authority confided that they cannot recall such an outpour of students in a public lecture like this in the past.
The Vice Chancellor hosted a dinner in honour of Professor Yunus attended by senior faculty members and leading members of Hong Kong business world. In his address to the guests, the Vice Chancellor announced that the university would be setting up Yunus Social Business Centre to carry out academic and practical programmes of social business. In response to this announcement two business leaders announced that they would happily finance the initiative to create the Yunus Social business Centre at the university.