Youth stabbed to death in Ctg

UNB, Chattogram :
A youth was stabbed to death and another one injured in attack by rival group at Bayazid Bostami area in the port city on Tuesday night.
The deceased was identified as Mohammad Ripon, 27, a resident of Shershah area.
Priton Sarkar, officer-in-charge of Bayazid Bostami Police Station, said a group of youth swooped on Ripon and Al Amin with knives while they were returning home after attending a rogramme around 11:30pm.
The attack left them critically injured.
Later, they were rushed to Chittagong Medical College Hospital but Ripon died on way to the hospital, doctors said. The knife attack took place as a sequel to previous enmity, police said.
Meanwhile, police arrested two youths from Shershah Bangla Bazar area for interrogation, the OC added.