Youth stabbed to death in city

Staff Reporter :
Unidentified miscreants stabbed a youth to death in front of his residence at Dakshin Khan in the capital on Thursday night.
The victim has been identified as Miraj Hossain Raihan, 23, son of late Abdul Matin and a resident of Ainujhbagh area, said Shamimur Rashid Taklukdar, Officer-in-Charge of Dakshin Khan Police Station.
Family members told reporters that some unknown people called Raihan from outside his house at about 10:30pm. The moment he came out,
they stabbed him indiscriminately and left in a pool of blood.
Hearing shriek, his relatives ran to Raihan’s residence at about 11:30pm and took him to Tongi General Hospital, sources said.
Raihan, who was stabbed in different parts of his body, succumbed at about 12.30am, Sub-Inspector Abdullah Al Hasan said.
The body has been sent to the Dhaka Medical College and Hospital for autopsy. A case has also been filed with Dakshin Khan Police Station in this connection.