Youth drowns beneath Khagrachhari waterfall


UNB, Khagrachhari :

A young man drowned while bathing under a waterfall at Ringsa in sadar upazila on Thursday.
Rais Uddin, superintendent of police, Khagrachhari sadar circle, said Mansur Ahmed, son of Manir Hossain of Shalbagan area in the district town, drowned after getting into difficulties while swimming under a waterfall at Ringsa in the afternoon. Later, locals pulled up Mansur’s body from the spot.
Child burnt in slum fire dies: The six-year-old boy, who suffered burn injuries in a fire at Railway Slum in Kalshidighirpar area of Chittagong city on Sunday, died on Thursday at Chittagong Medical College Hospital.
Sabbir was undergoing treatment at the hospital with 70 percent burn injuries, said police.
The fire originated from an electric short-circuit, damaged 77 shanties and 12 shops. A woman and her three-and-a-half-year-old daughter were also killed, said police. Sabbir’s mother Shilpi Begum was injured.
