Young programmer Bahar needs help to survive

Life Desk :
Though he is disabled since childhood, he was not burden for the society. He proved himself as the blessing of the society through his perseverance and hard work. Due to firm commitment, he obtained SSC degree. At one stage of uncompromising journey, he introduced himself as a young computer programmer. Now the victor of the life-struggle is going to face defeat, as his two hands are going to be damaged years after the damage of his two legs. The hands are now almost paralysed. A life of a potential will be extinguished if he loses his last hopes ¾ two hands.
He is Bahar Uddin, 31, son of Abdul Gani of village- Banigram under Kanaighat upazila of Sylhet district. He had been disabled since his childhood due to an unidentified disease. His two legs had been damaged at the very early days of his life.
He had to face a tough reality for economic crisis of his father. When his father died, he had become more helpless in absence of the guardian.
Indomitable Bahar did not stop his uncompromising journey. He developed his skill in computer. He made two software programs till now. He, along with his wife and a child, lives on computer. He teaches computer to the local unemployed youths to make them digitally skilled. He established a computer training center ¾ Quick Luck Computer Academy ¾ in his home and provide training on basic courses of computer to the unemployed youths. Noted computer personality Mostafa Zabbar visited the academy and distributed certificates among the youths, who took training from Quick Luck Computer Academy. Mostafa Zabbar also gave some computers to the academy. Upazila chairman and other persons also visited the academy and appreciated the efforts and contributions of Bahar.
The young computer programmer is going to lose his two hands, which made him solvent and victor in life-struggle. The hands will be damaged soon if these are not treated properly. He took treatment from India. The doctors of the Indian hospital advised him to take better treatment soon. Bahar now needs over Tk. 40 lakhs for the better treatment.
But, he is not able to manage the amount. His training centre is now closed, as his two hands are not now functioning. The hope of Bahar’s life is going to be extinguished. The philanthropists of the society and other welfare institution can expand their helping hands to save a young computer programmer. Anyone can contact with Bahar. His cell number- 01715137400.