Yoga to relieve gas

UNB, Dhaka :
The presence of gas in the digestive system is part of the normal process of digestion. Getting rid of this excess gas, either by burping or passing gas, is also normal. The gas not moving well through the digestive system or getting trapped may lead to gas pain.
Gas normally enters the stomach when we swallow air while eating or drinking but most of it is released when we burp. Gas forms in large intestines when bacteria break down some of the undigested food. In addition to other signs and symptoms, digestive system disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome or celiac disease may intensify gas pain.
Often, simple eating habit changes can help lessen the gas. But yoga can help, too. Certain yoga poses can help release excessive gas and improve the digestive system.
Here are five poses to help relieve gas-
Wind-Relieving Pose
Lie on your back with legs and arms extended. Take a deep breath and exhale, draw both the knees to the chest and clasp them with the hands. Hold on to the right knee and release the left leg and extend it along the floor. Maintain this pose for 30 seconds to one minute. Now, draw the left knee towards the chest and clasp your hands around the
knees again. While holding the left knee, release the right leg and extend it along the floor. Hold this pose for the same amount of time. Finally, bring both knees to the chest and press the thighs on the abdomen, clasp hands around the legs as if hugging the knees. Then, try to touch the knees with the chin. Hold here for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Gently release the hands and keep legs straight. Take rest for 30 seconds.
Wide legged forward bend
From a standing position, step the legs 3 to 4 feet apart into ‘Five Pointed Star’. Exhale and lean forward, bring the palms to the floor under the shoulders. Use the arms to pull the forehead down towards the floor, bending the elbows towards the back wall.