Yemen in turmoil as premier Hadi offers to resign

AFP, Sanaa :
Yemeni President Abdrabuh Mansur Hadi offered to resign on Thursday amid a standoff with a powerful Shia militia in control of the capital, throwing his country deeper into political turmoil.
Presidential adviser Sultan al-Atwani and several other aides confirmed that Mr Hadi had quit, but a senior official said Yemen’s parliament had rejected his resignation.
“Parliament… refused to accept the president’s resignation and decided to call an extraordinary session for Friday morning,” the official said.
Yemeni Prime Minister Khalid Bahah also resigned, saying he did not want to be part of the collapse of the country.
President Hadi offers to quit but parliament rejects his resignation
The shock announcements came after the militia, known as Huthis, tightened their grip on Sanaa this week after seizing almost full control of the capital in September.