Ya Nabi Salamu Aalaika

[Eid-e-Meeladun Nabi Sa Smoronika-2016]

Editor and Publisher : Md. Shahabuddin Khan :
General Secretary, Tamaddun Majlis
Associate Editor : Md. Adel uddin Al Mahmud
Associate : Tawhid Khan
Cover : Muktadar Hasan
Compose : Bondhu Computers, Motijheel, Dhaka
Printing : Dot Colour Printers, Motijheel, Dhaka
Size : DD 1/16 Format : 4
Price : Tk 60.00
The life and teachings of Hazrat Muhammad (Sm), the last and the greatest Prophet of Islam, is the ideal code of life for mankind. His mission, based on the holy Quran, ensures personal welfare, social harmony, national integrity, solidarity of humanity and global peace and prosperity. Muslim Ummah, on the anniversary of birth and death of Rasulullah (Sm), remember him specially and take vow to follow strictly the subline ideals of ‘Rahmatullil Aalameen’ -‘mercy for all creatures’. Publication of books and journals and bringing out supplement of newspapers on the humanistic teachings of the Prophet (Sm) in this occasion is a great tradition of the cultural and literary organisations.
Tamaddun Majlis, the pioneering organisation to voice the cause of Bangla as a state language of Pakistan, has been publishing Eid-e-Meeladun Nabi (Sa) Smoronika for many years.
The contents of the recent publication ‘Ya Nabi Salamu Aalaika’ [Eid-e-Meeladun Nabi Sa. Smoronika-2016] begins with some quotations from the holy Quran and Hadith. It includes articles of eminent writers and thinkers-Bhasha Sainik Prof. Abdul Ghafur, philospher Dewan Mohammad Azraf, (late), novelist Prof. Shahed Ali (late) Prof Hasan Abdul Qayyum, Zubaida Gulshan Ara (late) Prof Muhammad Farid Uddin Khan, Abdul Awal Thakur, Dr Mohammad Ekramul Islam, Mohammad Shahabuddin Khan, and a poem by Abdul Muqit Chowdhury. The message of the holy Quran and Sunnah-the universal humanistic ideals of the sacred scripture and the teachings of Hazrat Muhammad (Sm), have been presented in the articles. The compilation focuses on the way out of the disaster prevailing over the Muslim Ummah and calls to be united to get rid of the inhuman atrocities. It upholds human fraternity and peace- the core message of Islam.
Brief biographies of the recipients of Peace Awards 2016 of Tamaddun Majlis have been printed in the concluding chapter.
We expect wide circulation of the compilation. n
– Literature Desk