Xi leads China to win world’s biggest poverty-relief battle

Xinhua, Beijing :
With Xi Jinping in charge, China’s poverty-relief battle, the world’s biggest and toughest, has made decisive progress and provides global poverty relief with Chinese wisdom and solutions.
The Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee reviewed a plan on Thursday on continued efforts in poverty alleviation.
Presided over by Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, the meeting stressed that the battle against poverty is one of the “three tough battles” that the country must win to build a moderately prosperous society by 2020. To achieve the goal, China needs to lift around 30 million poor rural residents out of poverty in the next three years.
“We must be aware of the difficulties and challenges in winning the battle, and must have a stronger sense of responsibility and urgency in poverty relief,” said a statement released after the meeting.
Poverty relief has always been on the top of the government agenda. In Xi’s own words, “On the march towards common prosperity, no one must be left behind.”
During a symposium on poverty alleviation in Chengdu in February this year, Xi said decisive progress has been made as China has made unprecedented efforts .
He attributed the success to the CPC’s leadership, targeted strategies, strong financial support, and strict requirements for poverty elimination works.
Over 68 million people have been lifted over the poverty line – per capita annual income of 2,300 yuan (361 U.S. dollars) – in the past five years, with an average of 13 million each year.
As of the end of 2017, China had 30.46 million poor residents. China aims to eradicate absolute poverty by 2020, roughly 10 million each year.
During the past five years, the average annual income of rural residents in impoverished areas has risen 10.4 percent each year, up 2.5 percentage points above the average for rural residents.