Worst day of COVID-19

887 test positive, 14 die in 24 hours: DGHS


Staff Reporter :
Bangladesh’s Covid-19 count saw the biggest spike on Sunday as the country recorded 8,87 fresh cases in the last 24 hours. The total number of coronavirus cases in Bangladesh stood at 14,657, according to the Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS).
“This is the highest number of cases recorded in a single day since March 8. Similar to higher case detection, we saw a higher death toll, too. Fourteen people died in the past 24 hours, taking the total deaths at 228,” Prof Dr Nasima Sultana, Additional Director General of the Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS), said at its daily online briefing.
Among the 14 deceased, she said, ten were male and four were female. “The age distribution among four female shows that one was aged between 31 and 40, one between 51 and 60 and two between 61 and 70. Of the 10 male deceased, four were aged between 41 and 50, two between 51 and 60, three between 61 and 70 and one other between 91 and 100,” she added.
 “Analysing the statistics we found the recovery rate is 18.10 percent and the death rate is 1.5 percent in country,” Dr Nasima added.
In the last 24 hours, 36 coronavirus testing laboratories across the country tested 5738 samples.
In hospitals across the country, 236 patients made recovery from the disease increasing the total number of recovered patients to 2650, Dr Nasima said.
Dr Nasima also said that said Chattogram Medical College has started operating the 36th PCR testing facility in the country.
With support from Brac, she mentioned, 10 sample collection booths are operating in Dhaka and Narayanganj cities. “Our door-to-door sample collection programme is functional,” she said, adding, “A total of 5,738 samples were tested across the country since yesterday.”
Across the country, 169 more people have been taken to isolation in the last 24 hours and currently 2,115 people are in isolation. During this period, 2,218 people have been quarantined.
In the past 24 hours, a total of 169 people have been put under isolation while 71 have been released in the country during the period.
Besides, 36,422 people currently remain in home and institutional quarantine, the DGHS official added.
