World must not forget Rohingyas and encourage little Hitlers

REFUGEE problem is an international crisis and although Bangladesh gave them shelter under extreme circumstance of genocide being committed by the army of Myanmar out of racial hatred but we did not have the resources to look after them. But the responsibility of taking care of the refugees and the responsibility of forcing the Myanmar government to take back their own people is the responsibility of the UN Refugee Commission. Bangladesh government tried to be helpful to the best of its ability. We have our own problem with the efficiency of our government.
It is known to proper authorities from their own resources that the global funding for the Rohingyas is falling short as the NGO activities have drastically decreased their activities for shortage of funds amid coronavirus pandemic. Every big and developed economy which provided the fund for Rohingyas and such other global disaster prone areas are facing serious economic recession and mounting unemployment hard hit by coronavirus pandemic.
Donor countries would be naturally anxious to rebuild their own economies. Their ability to commit assistance for humanitarian causes and funding NGO activities has already shrunk though that should not have occurred where the call is of humanity. The fault is the toleration by big powers of Myanmar and such other countries which deny their own people the right to live in their own countries by creating internal situations.
Bangladesh has been a weak country otherwise there would have been a military confrontation however difficult the voice would have been. Our friends like China and India gave false assurances to help us. They also did not come forward each for its own self interest.
According to the UN Refugee Agency, a total of $308.7 million was sought from the international community for Rohingyas funding for 2020, but only $87 million or 27 percent was funded till May. We must say the only solution to the Rohingya problem lies in their return to their home under international supervision. But Myanmar is maneuvering from the beginning not to take its people back and has already stripped them of their nationality. We believe only China can play a crucial role in making the repatriation possible.
Encouraged by internal community’s indifference Myanmar is continuing it’s brutalities in Rakhine region.
At least the rich countries under urging of UN do everything to save the miseries and disintegration of their families. The pandemic has worsened the humanitarian situation in refugee camps of Rohingyas. The world cannot ignore the call of humanity and help little Hitlers to grow with the power of weapons.