World Athletics president Coe hopeful for next season

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World Athletics president Sebastian Coe said on Friday that he is hopeful that most athletics events next season will take place, including the delayed Olympic Games in Tokyo.
Sitting in the headquarters of World Athletics in Monaco, Coe made the remarks during an online interview.
“I’ve become much more familiar with technology,” said the 64-year-old former Olympic champion. “I feel a lot more competent using that. I appreciated that technology does allow us to be much more connected, in a funny way. I don’t want it that connected always to be on the screen, but at the moment it’s the best way we can focus.”
Despite the Covid-19 pandemic still seriously affecting life in many regions of the world, Coe is looking forward to a comparatively normal season next year.
“Yes, I’m hopeful. I’m not sure ‘optimistic’ is the right word, but at last there are elements that give me more comfort,” said Coe, who was encouraged both by the delivery of a vaccine and medical experts’ greater knowledge about the virus.
“But I’m not scientist and a scientist has warned me to be cautious. Because the virus’ pattern changes, sometimes it’s complicated and difficult to be interpreted, but I hope we are in a position to deliver as much of the season as we possibly can, and of course the centerpiece of the season will be the Olympic Games in Tokyo.”