Historic May Day observed: Workers’ right, safety in workplaces demanded

BSS, Chittagong :
The historic May Day was observed in the port city and its adjacent districts amid demand for a new salary structure for workers, ensuring their justified rights and demanding their safety in workplaces on Monday .
Different political parties, trade unions and Readymade Garment (RMG) workers organisations observed the day through various programmes, which included discussion meetings, rally, human chain, processions and cultural functions.
The day was a public holiday.
Trade unions, professional groups and socio-political organisations have also taken up various programmes to observe the day and press for improving the working conditions with better wages and security for the workers.
Apart from different places in the city, workers of industrial belts and its outskirts including Sitakunda, Fouzderhat, Patenga, Nasirabad, Biyazeed, Karnaphuli and Kalurghat also held rallies, processions and organized cultural programmes marking the day.
The workers carried placards and festoons and chanted slogans in favor of their rights, full wages and other facilities. Workers in the transport sector abstained from work, as usual, on the May Day which leads to the sufferings of city dwellers as well as passengers of long distance routes.
To mark the day, Chittagong Divisional Labour Department and Directorate of Factory and Establishment Inspection arranged daylong programmes.