Quader to students: Work to build corruption-free country

UNB, Dhaka :
Awami League general secretary Obaidul Quader on Saturday urged students to come forward with a view to building Bangladesh free from drug, terrorism, communalism and corruption. “Life is a challenge. Those who don’t take up challenge, can’t move forward. Corruption is our main enemy. It affects our life, politics and the society. So all should come forward for stopping those,” he said.
Quader, also the Road Transport and Bridges Minister, said this while addressing the inauguration ceremony of ‘Swarna Kishori National
Convention’ at Sultana Kamal Women’s Sports Complex at Dhanmondi in the city. The minister observed that the militants are still active secretly though they are apparently weak saying” After the Holy Artisan attack many people thought such incident won’t take place further. They are visibly weak but they are secretly active to launch bigger attacks.” Education Minister Nurul Islam Nahid and State Minister for Youth and Sports Biren Sikder ,among others, spoke on the occasion.