Work on to launch database on legal aid’s strategic action plan


National Legal Aid Services Organization (NLASO) sources confirmed that work is going on to launch a database on legal aid’s strategic action plan to ensure monitoring and accountability over its services.
“Work is going on to launch a database on legal aid’s strategic action plan. We have started work to turn the services of our seven district offices automated on pilot basis as part of making the whole activities of district offices digital,” NLASO Assistant Director and Senior Assistant Judge Qazi Yasin Habib told BSS.
“We have successfully implemented first strategic action plan of NLASO’s 2012-17 tenure to establish a firm legal assistance management in the country. Now work is going on to formulate strategic action plan for 2018-2022 fiscal,” he added.
The NLASO official said they have taken initiative to establish a central database for the organization and all the offices under it will be included with that gradually.
“We would be able to monitor the activities of our offices promptly when the central database will come into operation,” Habib further said.
The NLASO office sources said the office is emphasizing on publicity and awareness campaigns in different areas, specially the Chittagong hill tracts, of the country to reach the legal aid services to the grassroots.
“We have also launched apps to provide legal aid and any person can also get legal services by calling or making sms on call center number 16430,” the NLASO assistant director said.
