Work for people’s welfare, PM urges police force


City Desk :
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Sunday said that her government wants to build a well-trained and educated police force which will work for the welfare of the people.
“Our aim is to build a ‘police force of the people’ which was the dream of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman,” she said, reports UNB.
Hasina said this while speaking at a programme on the occasion of inaugurating service desk for women, children, elderly and disabled people in 659 police stations of the country.
She also handed over 400 houses built by the police force for the homeless people in different places of the country. The humanitarian initiatives have been taken by Bangladesh police to celebrate Bangabandhu’s birth centenary.
The PM joined the programme, held at Dhaka Metropolitan Police Lines at Rajarbagh, through video link from her official residence Ganobhavan.
She said the Awami League government has been providing all sorts of support and facilities to the police to make it a specialised people-friendly force.
“We want to see our police force to work with utmost honesty,” she said adding, the police members have to work with dedication to earn more public trust.
“People have to feel confident that they will get fair treatment while they go to them (police force),” she said.
She said “The success of a force or a person comes when that person or force discharges the responsibilities properly and gains trust, confidence and love from people. That is the big thing,”
The prime minister said that the development philosophy of her government is to start from the grassroots level.
“After forming the government we are doing the development work from the grassroots level. It’s not urban or capital centric development,” she said.
She said that everyone in the country has to get the benefits of the development. “Our government always works keeping that in mind,” she said.
She also reiterated her firm resolve not to keep a single person landless, homeless and address-less.
In this connection she mentioned various development activities of the government to achieve that goal.
Hasina lauded that measures taken by Bangladesh Police to help female victims of violence, helpless children, physically disabled and aged people.
