Women’s hockey team play 1st practice match today


Bangladesh women’s hockey team take on Sports Authority of India (SAI) national hockey women’s team one of the first of six friendly practice matches scheduled to be held today at Moulana Bhasani National Hockey Stadium at Mirpur.
The match kicks off at 4 pm.
The Bangladesh Hockey Federation arranged the practice matches for the Bangladesh women’s hockey team to get a good result in the Women’s Junior U- 21 AHF Cup scheduled to be held on September 9-15 in Singapore.
The Indian women’s hockey team already arrived in the city today to play the practice matches.
Bangladesh will play the second and third practice matches on August 22 and 23 respectively.
The remaining three matches between the two sides will be held on August 25, 26 and 28.
All the matches will be held at the same venue. The tourists will depart for India on August 29.
