Women too perform Friday prayer at Shibalaya Model Mosque


Our Correspondent :
For the first time, men as well as women gathered at the Model Mosque and Cultural Center at Tepra in Shibalayaupazila of Manikganj. The worshipers are also very happy that many people are able to perform the prayers at the same time.
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Thursday inaugurated the newly constructed Model Mosque and Cultural Center on a big budget with the government’s own funds.
On Friday, the worshipers of Tepra and the surrounding area came to perform the Friday prayers with great enthusiasm. For the first time, several women also came to the mosque to perform prayers.
Imam of the mosque Maulana Abdul Malek discusses Quran-Hadith before the start of prayers. After the prayers, a special munajat was offered for Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and her family and prayers for peace for the world Muslim Ummah.
Jamal Hussain, deputy director of the Islamic Foundation, said the mosque is not only a place for prayers, but also a place for Islamic research, culture and knowledge. Special facilities at the Model Mosque include training of pilgrims, bathing of dead bodies, arrangement of separate prayers for women, Islamic library, and aesthetic architecture. According to the government’s goal, the mosque will play a special role in the propagation of healthy Islam free from terrorism, militancy and drugs.
He added that the construction work of 50 model mosques has been completed. The government will build a total of 560 model mosques and Islamic cultural centers in every district and upazila across the country.
