Tech edn to be made compulsory at secondary level: Keramat

Staff Reporter :
State Minister for Education Ministry Kazi Keramat Ali on Saturday said that he would take initiative to make the technical education compulsory at secondary level.
“Technical education is a must to build skilled manpower in the country. My first priority is to give emphasis on technical education. That is why, I want to make it compulsory at secondary level,” he said.
The state minister disclosed his plan while talking with the journalists in Rajbari district yesterday.
He said the enrolment of students in technical education has increased as the government brought a
revolutionary change in technical and madrasah education.
Keramat Ali urged all concerned to work sincerely so that students might have proper technical education and enhance their competence instead of only getting certificates.
 He said all the modern subjects, including mathematics, science, ICT and economics, have been introduced in the madrasah education for updating the education system.
“To maximize the benefit of using ICT in a classroom, we need a bunch of trained, motivated and technology-friendly teachers who will make the whole process effective and successful,” he said.
Meanwhile, hundreds of people from all walks of life greeted the newly appointed state minister at different points of Rajbari district.
Keramat Ali also thanked the people of his constituency (Rajbari-1) for their support in the Parliamentary election.
He hoped that the people would cast their votes in favour of his symbol (Boat) to continue the development process all over the country.