Woman, lover found dead in Chattogram


News Desk :
Police have recovered the throat-slit body of a woman at a house in Chattogram’s Raojan Upazila. The body of her lover was found hanging nearby.
Law enforcers believe 23-year-old Joy Mutsuddi took his own life after allegedly killing his 22-year-old girlfriend Anwesha Chowdhury, reports bdnews24.com
The bodies were discovered in a house in the Mohamuni area of the upazila’s Pahartali Union on Sunday, said Raojan Police Station chief Abdullah Al Harun.
Joy was having an affair with his neighbour Anwesha but her family had recently arranged her marriage with someone else. The wedding
was due to be held on Mar 10, locals said.
Their bodies were found at Joy’s uncle’s home, Harun said.
“Joy used to spend nights at his uncle’s abandoned home. His family members started to look for him as he hadn’t come home.
They later broke down the door of his uncle’s home and found the bodies inside.”
Anwesha had similarly left her home for private tuition in the afternoon and did not return. Some locals believe Joy brought Anwesha to his uncle’s home.
“The preliminary investigation suggests Joy initially strangled Anwesha and then slashed her throat with a knife. He later took his own life,” Harun said.
The bodies have been sent to Chattogram Medical College Hospital’s morgue for autopsy.
